Free Materials
Free Desktop or Cellphone App Helps Shoppers Avoid PFAS
Defend Our Health data on PFAS ‘forever chemicals’ is now available to consumers via Clearya tool
Digital Tool Helps Consumers Avoid Products with PFAS
Taylor Moore, Defend Our Health, 6/25/24
Below you’ll find posters, a banner, and fact sheets about PFAS. We invite you to use any or all of these materials. You can print them professionally or at home. If you go to a professional printer, search for a pfas-free/eco-friendly printer. An internet search in your state will help, but you should contact the printers to make sure that they are as environmentally responsible as possible. The posters and banner are available as PDFs if you would prefer that format as opposed to a jpeg. Contact us to request the PDF format at pfasinfo@wilpfus.org.
The banner and posters below were designed by Vermont and Canadian artists who answered our call to design/create tabloid size (11” x 17” or 8 1/2” x 11”) posters that we are placing in shop windows and taking on the road with us to demonstrations, exhibits, farmer’s markets, and more. We believe that artists can help us educate people on the complex topic of PFAS and raise their curiosity enough to seek out more information. If you want to add your PFAS art to this page, contact pfasinfo@wilpfus.org.
We brainstormed a variety of messages. Here’s more statements that are powerful and draw attention to grassroots activism. Use any of them that you wish:
Ban PFAS: Persistent, Accumulative, Mobile, Toxic
Today’s PFAS is Poisoning Tomorrow’s Children
Ban PFAS Chemicals Forever
The Future You Fear is Already Here
Ban Together: Get PFAS Out of Everything
PFAS: Contamination without Our Consent
Don’t Spike my Drink with PFAS
No Toxin Should Last Forever…Ban PFAS
Here Today, Here Forever…Ban PFAS
Detox the Earth of PFAS
I’m PFASed Off and I’m not going to drink it anymore!
Posters & Banner
Click on the artwork to download as a jpeg.
About the Artist
Kristina McNeish (2 posters)
Kristina McNeish is a local Burlington artist, originally from Old Saybrook, Connecticut. She produces art using the mediums of pencil, pen, and acrylic paint. As a result of art lessons throughout her life she has honed her skills and settled into the style of realism. Today, Kristina sells her art through commissioned work as well as creating her own pieces displayed on Instagram (@kristinamcneish_art).
Anna Vaserstein (1 poster)
I live in Northeastern Vermont. I have drawn and painted all my life (starting as a child drawing on walls to my mother’s chagrin). I enjoy working with vibrant colors using an expressive style. When I began this project, I didn’t know anything about PFAS. This was a learning experience for which I’m thankful.
James Murray (banner and poster)
James Murray lives in Quebec, Canada and has been drawing most of his life. As a young child even before he could talk, he was creating “little” pictures to communicate. James has been a professional visual artist for over 25 years. His new cartoon series raises awareness about protecting our planet. Visit his web site at https://jamesmurray.tv/
James Murray habite à Québec, Canada et a dessiné toute sa vie. Lorsqu’il était jeune, avant de pouvoir parler, il créait de «petites» dessins pour communiquer. James est un artiste visuel professionnel depuis plus de 25 ans. La nouvelle série de dessins de James sensibilise à la protection de notre planète. Visitez son site Web: https://jamesmurray.tv/
Frankie Nanni (1 poster)
Frankie is a Pantheist, loves planet Earth, our Galaxy and Universe, nature, organic gardening, bees, community and protecting this planet our home the environment for now and for future generations. A lifelong artist, as a youth, a compulsive writer and poet, and in her sunset years wants nothing more than Peace & Justice for all life on Earth, for Vermont -- like Europe -- to Ban all PFAS use, so then for the United States to follow suit and provide reparations to struggling Farmers, and so for the world.
Free Fact Sheets:
PFAS: What you Need to Know, Vermont Military Poisons/PFAS Coalition

Connect with us
If you are interested in working on another state, please contact Marguerite Adelman.