Videos, Films, & Power Points
Videos & Audios
Combating Military Poisons & Valuing Water
Watch this one-hour webinar to learn more about PFAS and how to use this website for research into PFAS in your state or community.
"Contamination Nations", PFAS contamination in the U.S. and Japan
Marguerite Adelman, Pat Elder, and Rachel Clark (WILPF US), 11/20/23
Why 'Forever Chemicals' Are Still Spreading
Bloomberg Originals, 11/16/23
The Forever Chemical Scandal | Bloomberg Investigates
Bloomberg Originals, 11/8/23
PFAS Gases = Super Pollutants ChemSec, 9/8/23
Global Per- and polyFluroAlkly Substances (PFAS): Toxic Contamination without our Consent Marguerite Adelman, WILPF International Presentation, 8/22/23
Vermont PFAS Presentation
Marguerite Adelman, Vermont Military Poisons/PFAS Coalition, 8/1/23
Boston/Massachusetts PFAS Presentation
Marguerite Adelman, Vermont Military Poisons/PFAS Coalition, 4/1/23
San Francisco/California PFAS Presentation
Marguerite Adelman, Vermont Military Poisons/PFAS Coalition, 6/28/23
PFAS: The “Forever Chemicals”
Bloomberg Law, 9/26/2019, 4 minutes
How “Forever Chemicals” Polluted America’s Water
VOX, 8/4/2020, 12 minutes
PFAS, Explained
Grist, 3/20/2019, 4 minutes
Destroying PFAS: Emerging Solutions
Dr. Patricia Hynes, PFAS Remediation and Disposal, 8/9/21, 14 minutes
Banning PFAS Forever
Eric Agnero, Vermont Military Poisons/PFAS Coalition, 9/1/2021
No Defense
2020 Documentary on the Military and PFAS. The film is expected to be released on iTunes and Amazon in May/June of 2021. To view a discussion of the film , go to the Vermont International Film Festival vimeo site.
The Devil We Know: The Chemistry of a Cover-Up
2018 Investigative Documentary on PFAS
Dark Waters
11/22/2019 Feature Film starring Mark Ruffalo
Gen X: A Chemical Cocktail
Not yet released, this upcoming documentary covers the new form of PFAS, called Gen X.
Burned: Protecting the Protectors
This film highlights the work of advocates like Diane Cotter and researchers like Graham Peaslee who have found shockingly high levels of PFAS in firefighter gear. Following that discovery, the international firefighters’ union vowed to support a national movement to eliminate this exposure for all 1,200,000 firefighters in the US. If you want to see this film, please contact us at pfasinfo@wilpfus.org
Power Points
Green Party Presentation September 12, 2022
Pat Elder
The Reckless Rush to Burn AFFF
David Bond, PFAS Disposal and Remediation, 8/9/2021
Pat Elder’s Dublin Conference Powerpoint
World Peace Council’s conference Against US/NATO Military Bases in Dublin, Ireland, November 2018
Per- and PolyFluroAlkly Substances(PFAS): Toxic Contamination without our Consent
A presentation on PFAS contamination globally for WILPF International’s Environmental Working Group.
PFAS: What you need to know about “forever chemicals” – for Vermonters Marguerite Adelman, Vermont Military Poisons/PFAS Coalition