Crash the Dog & Pony Show
We should all thumb our noses at the DOD’s “public engagement” with Mr. Richard Kidd, Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense
Virtual charade to be held July 14, 2021
Pat Elder
July 10, 2021
Answer our questions, then maybe we can meet.
Following is the email I received from the Office of the Secretary of Defense. The masters of war are also masters of propaganda, although this pow wow is likely to backfire on them.
From: Hughes, C P (Peter) CIV OSD PA (USA)
Wed, Jul 7, 4:37 PM
We are pleased to invite you to participate in a Department of Defense public engagement with Mr. Richard Kidd, Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Environment & Energy Resilience. The virtual session will take place on Wednesday, July 14, 2021, at 11:00 a.m. EDT.
We are inviting a number of organizations with the aim of sharing information about the Department’s roles and responsibilities as it relates to PFAS actions, as well as to discuss areas of concern from DoD-impacted communities. We look forward to sharing information about how DoD is addressing PFAS and hearing from you on ways that the department could improve our dialogue with the public.
To help prepare for the conversation, please feel free to submit questions you may have in advance. While we will try to address as many submitted questions as possible during the course of this session, we may need to provide some responses in writing following the event depending on the number of questions submitted. We plan to call on the organization to orally ask your submitted question, so all participants can hear the question and answer. We also plan to provide a written response to all participants of the questions and answers after the event.
RSVP and questions are respectfully requested by noon on Monday, July 12, and may be sent directly to me at this email address. Virtual dial-in details will be provided upon RSVP.
Please RSVP with:
- Name and title/organization
- Preferred email and phone number
- Questions you would like DoD to address
You are welcome to contact me if you have any questions or need additional details. Best wishes, and we look forward to your participation.
Very Respectfully,
Peter Hughes
Spokesman, Defense Press Operations
Office of the Assistant to the Secretary of Defense for Public Affairs
Pentagon, Room 2D961
The DOD means exactly what it is saying here. Consider these lines from the invitation above: “We look forward to sharing information about how DoD is addressing PFAS and hearing from you on ways that the department could improve our dialogue with the public.” They’re not interested in hearing ideas from us on ways they ought to clean up the mess they’ve made. They don’t want to hear our demands. After all, they have filed “Sovereign Immunity” claims in federal court to defend against costly PFAS suits. They claim they have the right to poison us.
Their chief propagandists see value in conversing with their domestic adversaries to help craft a psychological counter-attack for ongoing operations.
I’m not nuts. Check out Chapter 3, “Recruiting is Psy-Ops at Home” in my book on Military Recruiting.
Dammit. We must understand what they’re doing to us.
During the “Public Engagement” on July 14 they’ll take all the questions ahead of time, like you’d collect a deck of cards. Then they’ll look at the cards, stack the deck, and deal them out. They’ll have prepared clever and compelling “answers” for each of the questions they allow to be asked. At the end they’ll apologize for not being able to cover all of the questions.
They know how to handle the enemy within.
The military is despicable. They murder, poison, and lie. How could I sit down with them - even virtually? They are only to be condemned. Jesus flipped over the tables in the temple.
If I lived next door to a naval commander, I would probably have his family over for barbecues and we’d go to the same church. I’m calling out the military for poisoning us and lying about it.
The DOD has asked me to come up with questions about PFAS. (I’m still shaking my head.)
In April, after announcing high levels of PFAS contamination in Southern Maryland, the Navy asked the community near the Patuxent River Naval Air Station in St. Mary’s County, Maryland if they could come up with questions about PFAS. That was before the date of the virtual Restoration Advisory Board meeting on April 28. I sent them 30 questions they still haven’t answered.
In May the DOD used the same tactic in Chesapeake Beach, MD after announcing frightening levels of PFAS there. This was before their online presentation to the public, May 18, 5:00-7:00 pm.
Rather than 30 questions, I had just one question for the Navy regarding the Naval Research Laboratory - Chesapeake Bay Detachment. “How many other naval facilities worldwide have higher levels of the toxins in the ground than here in Chesapeake Beach?”
I have the same question this time around. Here’s how I responded to their invitation:
Thank you for your invitation. I hope to make it.
Pat Elder
Director, Military Poisons
I have one question for you:
The Navy recently reported finding 7,950,000 parts per trillion of PFOS and 17,800 ppt of PFOA in the subsoil at the Naval Research Laboratory - Chesapeake Bay Detachment. Are these the highest numbers on any U.S. military installation worldwide? Yes or No, please.