PFAS levels in breast milk have been found 40,000 times over EPA guidelines for drinking water

Almost all women pass the carcinogens to their babies

By Pat Elder
July 15, 2022

Breastfeeding may be hazardous to your baby’s health.

A 2008 study of 45 women in Massachusetts measured perfluorooctane sulfonic acid (PFOS) and perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) in breast milk and found the average level for PFOS was 131 parts per trillion (ppt) while the highest level was 617 ppt.  The researchers found the average concentration of PFOA to be  43.8 ppt with a high of 161 ppt.

So, what does this mean?

For guidance, we have the EPA, which is great on the scientific end of things but performs miserably on the enforcement end of the equation. The EPA has issued health advisories which identify the concentration of chemicals in drinking water at or below which adverse health effects are not anticipated to occur.  These levels are set at 0.02 ppt for PFOS and  0.004 ppt for PFOA.

The average PFOS level for the 45 women in Massachusetts was 6,550 times over what the EPA says is safe in drinking water. The highest detection of PFOS was 30,850 times over the limit.

The numbers for PFOA were even more shocking. The average PFOA level was 10,950 over the EPA threshold, while the highest concentration was 40,250 times over the limit.

PFAS have been linked to liver, breast, kidney, testicular and prostate cancers, as well as fetal abnormalities. The toxins may increase the risk of high blood pressure or pre-eclampsia in pregnant women. In children, PFAS may cause a decrease in infant birth rates, increased cholesterol levels, decreased vaccine responses, and the development of ADHD and childhood asthma. It’s horrible.

A study by Toxic-Free Future  in 2021 found alarming levels of carcinogenic PFAS in the breast milk of fifty American  mothers. The study indicates that the two legacy PFAS (PFOS and PFOA), and many currently used substitute PFAS compounds contaminate breast milk, exposing nursing infants to the toxic substances.  Although PFOS was phased out of production and use in 2002, and U.S. manufacturers eliminated PFOA emissions and product content at the end of 2015, the carcinogens are still widely present in breast milk.

The more recent study analyzed breast milk for 39 PFAS compounds, and up to 16 of these compounds were detected in some samples.  All PFAS compounds are believed to be harmful to health.  Unknowing mothers are delivering a toxic cocktail containing up to 16 different harmful chemical compounds to their babies. It is very sad.

The sum of PFAS concentration in the in breast milk of the 50 women ranged from a low of 52.0 parts per trillion (ppt) to an apocalyptic 1,850 ppt, with a median concentration of 121 ppt.  PFOS and PFOA were the most abundant PFAS in these samples with averages of 30.4 ppt and 13.9 ppt respectively. 

Analysis of the available breast milk PFAS data from around the world over the period of 1996–2019 showed that while the levels of the phased-out PFOS and PFOA have been declining with halving times of 8.1 and 17 years, respectively, the detection frequencies of current-use short-chain PFAS have been increasing with a doubling time of 4.1 years. We’re in trouble.

High concentrations of PFAS in breast milk are indicative of the high levels mom passed to her baby through the umbilical cord. All American babies are born with these toxins in their bodies.

 “How dreadful it will be in those days for pregnant women and nursing mothers!”

Matthew 24:19

Where do we go from here?

  • In the absence of the EPA, states must regulate all PFAS as a class of chemicals in food and water while PFAS must be reduced to levels under the currently available limits of detection.

  • There must be an immediate moratorium on spreading sewer sludge containing PFAS to agricultural fields.

  • PFAS must be removed from liquid effluent at wastewater treatment plants before being discharged into surface water.

  • The state must stem the flow of these carcinogens from industrial and military sites.

    Because the EPA is firmly in the clutches of the corporate-controlled duopoly, we don’t hear much about PFAS in breast milk. Responsible regulatory actions might impact the bottom line of the corporate sponsors behind the Democrats and the Republicans.


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